
Xyno partnership with Maxxsure

Xyno Consulting, the cybersecurity arm of Xentra Group, has recently partnered with Maxxsure, a cyber risk management company headquartered in Texas, USA. The partnership aims to diversify Xentra’s services, while further promoting cybersecurity with the IT solutions that they provide for their clients. 

Cyber Threats and Risks 

Cybersecurity and compliance are critical components of any modern business. With the increasing reliance on technology, the risks of cyberattacks and data breaches have become more significant than ever. Companies must take proactive steps to protect their sensitive information, comply with regulations, and maintain the trust of their customers. Xyno Consulting provides comprehensive solutions to help organizations address these challenges. 

Who is Xyno 

Xyno Consulting is a cybersecurity and compliance company headquartered in the Philippines. It is part of Xentra Group, an IT company that provides practical, reliable, and cost-effective IT solutions for businesses of all sizes and industries. It is headquartered in Nevada, with a development center in the Philippines. 

Xyno’s primary goal is to help organizations identify and mitigate potential security risks. These risks may include unauthorized access to sensitive data, malware infections, phishing attacks, and other types of cyber threats.  

Xyno Consulting offers intensive services including risk assessments, vulnerability testing, penetration testing, security audits, compliance assessments, and regulatory consulting.  

With Xyno Consulting’s deep understanding about cybersecurity and compliance, it plays an essential role in helping organizations protect their data, systems, and reputation. 

Partnership with Maxxsure 

Xyno continuously explore and embrace innovative technologies and methodologies to deliver advanced cybersecurity and compliance solutions. To further strengthen its cybersecurity and compliance services, Xyno has partnered with Maxxsure, a cyber risk management company.  

Maxxsure provides an independent cyber risk assessment platform that offers quantitative framework-based detailed assessment of processes, hardware/software and network vulnerabilities. It was founded in 2016 with the mission of developing the best-in-class cyber risk quantification and management solution that takes a truly holistic survey of all internal and external influencing factors over the cyber risk posture of an organization. 

Maxxsure leads the charge in re-framing cyber risk management discussions by removing fear, uncertainty, and doubt from the conversation. It equips organizations with the M-Score™ — a comprehensive cyber risk quantification solution that examines the entire landscape of cyber risk. 

Solving Cybersecurity Problems 

Cybersecurity companies face several challenges in their efforts to protect electronic systems, networks, and sensitive data from unauthorized access, theft, or damage. Some of the challenges that cybersecurity companies are addressing range from cybercrime to complexity of regulatory requirements. 

With the partnership between Xyno and Maxxsure, companies can now confidently prioritize their cyber risk remediation measures, make educated decisions on risk acceptance levels, and use concrete data to help determine appropriate levels of cyber risk insurance coverage that align with budget and risk tolerance. Companies can now adapt as their needs and environments change. 

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